Thursday, November 29, 2012

Just wanted to let you know...

Here is an optional activity you could do over those long days of winter break. No need to let me know if you are going to participate, just send in your poster.

Mrs. Weathers

It’s that time again… time to gear up for our annual
Oregon Garden Earth Day poster contest! For the past 13years, kids have been celebrating and learning about the earth with us through their art contributions. Wewould like to invite your students to participate in this year’s contest to help promote Earth Day 2013.
Our theme this year is
“EARTH DAY, Every Day.” Please read further down this post what that means.

The poster contest is open to students in all K
12 programs. The Earth Day Committee will choose one GrandPrize winner for the official 2012 Earth Day posters, advertisements, billboards, and website that will be used to promote our event. We will display all poster entries at the event and also award a First Place Prize to one student in each of these categories: grades K3; grades 47; grades 812. The contest rules are enclosed, and all poster entries must be postmarked by Wednesday, Jan. 30th, 2013. Please address entries to:

Alan Pennington
Marion County Public Works
5155 Silverton Rd. NE
Salem, OR, 97305
For questions regarding the poster contest, please contact Alan at 503
3653188 or

Our 14
th annual Earth Day Celebration at The Oregon Garden on Saturday, April 20, 2013 from 10 am to 4 pm is a FREE event made possible by generous sponsorships from Marion County Environmental Services, Marion County Soil and Water Conservation District, the Oregon Department of Energy, and others. This year’s Earth Day Celebration will feature educational activities for children and adults with ideas on how to “Reduce our Carbon Footprint” by making simple changes in our everyday lives. For more details on the event, check for updates at Come support environmental stewardship while enjoying spring blooming at The Oregon Garden!

Marion County Public Works
Environmental Services
Earth Day 2012 Poster
Contest Rules
Use this checklist to make sure all entries are eligible for judging:
All entries must be created by students currently in the K through 12thgrade age range (homeschool
students welcome!)
Each entry MUST include the student’s first and last name, grade #, and school name on the back of
the artwork.
The entry must be the original artwork of the student whose name is on the piece.
The size of the artwork must be NO LARGER than 11” x 17”. Smaller sizes are acceptable as well. Any
kind of paper may be used; we promote recycled paper but this will not be a criterion for judging!
The artwork must be related to this year’s theme of “EARTH DAY, Every Day”.
Entries may be done in marker, ink, crayon, colored pencil, watercolor, acrylic, or tempera paint.
We discourage entries with words. Posters with words will not be immediately disqualified, but in
some cases the words will make the poster unusable. Please tell students to not write
Every Day
on the poster.
No computergenerated artwork will be accepted.
Entries must be mailed flat, and must not be folded, rolled, matted, or mounted.
Entries must be
postmarked by Wednesday, Jan. 30th, 2013.
Prize list (categorized by grade level):
3rd: $50 Gift Card/Fred Meyer
$50 Gift Card/Fred Meyer
$50 Gift Card/Fred Meyer
the winning entry from those above that is chosen as the Grand Prize will receive an additional

Discussion of Theme
EARTH DAY, Every Day
We share the resources and bounty of Mother Earth with all living organisms. These
resources are finite but humanity’s appetite for food, shelter, and material goods is
growing to unsustainable levels. How we manage our planet affects not only us but all
other plants and animals.
What types of natural resources are there?
Are these resources renewable?
Where do the products we buy come from?
How does the way in which food is produced or materials made affect the planet?
What simple actions can we take in our daily lives to have less impacts on the earth?
How can our purchasing choices help or hurt the planet?􀂃 What is sustainability and how do we become more sustainable in our daily lives?