Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Journal Writing in Class

Lots of times in class we have time to write in our journals. I spent some time today reading through journals to see what everyone is writing about. I found some superstar writing!!! I had six kids share their secret to success when it comes to writing time...

Biaggio says, "I think about my friends and family when I am writing!"

Isabel says, "I think about what I want for Christmas and write about other things I'm looking forward to."

Jesus says, "I look at books I'm reading to help me get ideas."

Kaeden says, "I read books to learn new words then I use those words in my writing."

Miylee says, "I write about things I do like Trick-or-Treating and fun things I've done."

Ariel says, " I write about things I do at home like reading and things I do at school like playing with my friends!"

At home, please encourage your students to write about things!  Remember, like the writing homework, it doesn't have to be perfect spelling- it just needs to be getting ideas down on paper and remembering or communicating through writing. Much like reading, writing is a life long skill that can be both useful and enjoyable! Tonight, ask your child what they are writing about in their journal at school and see if you can find some time to write at home (grocery list, letter to a family member or friend, a response to reading, etc.)

Happy Writing!
Mrs. Weathers