Friday, September 21, 2012

Happy Friday!

Thank you to all the parents who came out to parent night last evening. It was great to share a little more with you about the learning taking place in B2. I heard some great feedback from parents and was able to answer some questions. If you weren't able to join us last night, feel free to send me an email if you have any questions or wonderings about anything. There were a few handouts which will also be available at conferences in November (nothing super important). I heard from lots of families that these first graders are tired! We have been working hard and adjusting to full days of school. This morning, we slowed things down a little and made a mini book "In the Fall". We did some shared reading using words from the "-ack" family. Of course we worked more on handwriting and letter formation as well as word work listening for beginning sounds (t and g today). This afternoon the students have PE and library. We will come back and have some time to finish work that didn't get done throughout the week, clean our desks, get new seats, do some writing and go to an assembly with the whole school. It is our Jog-A-Thon kick off assembly. Today, your child will have information about J-A-T in their backpack that you can take a look at when they get home.

Please, please, please keep reading everynight and find opportunities to practice writing when you think of it. Your kids are awesome. Thanks for trusting me with them each day!

Take Care,
Mrs. Weathers