Monday, December 10, 2012

Art is Awesome!

We have been doing a lot of art projects to get ready for the holiday season, that is finally here! We have been writing stories about snow, painting snowmen who lost their hats, reading poems about  pine trees who want to be Christmas trees, and talking about the possibility of snow this winter season. It is exciting here in B2- we want the room to reflect our joy and holiday spirit! I think we are well on our way to achieving that!

Monday, December 03, 2012

November Birthdays!

Even though we have just started December, we want to make sure and wish all our November birthdays a Happy Birthday!

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Buddy Time!

Every week the kids ask me if we are going to see our 4th grade buddies. This week I was able to say "Yes! On Friday!" Then Friday came and all day they asked me "Is it time to go see our buddies?" Finally 2:15 rolled around on the clock and I told them it was time. What a fun walk down to the C-pod to meet up with Mr. J's class. We did a little art project with snowflakes, read a book about snowflakes and talked about how each snowflake is perfectly unique just like each student! There were lots of smiles and happy working kids. Another fun thing we do with our buddies is write in buddy journals back and forth a few times a month. It is a great authentic writing assignment! There is a real audience and purpose for writing. I love the fact that our school is a great big community where teacher and kids interact both inside and outside of their own classroom.

Good Bye November, Hello December!

Here we are... all lined up... saying good bye to November. We had a grading day at the beginning of the month, conferences towards the end, and a Thanksgiving holiday with our families. December will bring a month of focusing on better fluency in reading, learning about families traditions and cultures, and subtraction. Should be a fun couple of weeks before a long winter break (yes, I will be sending home extra homework- more to come on that later). Could first grade be any better?

Take Care!
Mrs. Weathers

Working Away

Well, we have been hard at work in B2. We have been working on story maps, comparing and contrasting, and learning to become math detectives. Here are a few random pictures of what's been going on in class.

Thank you!

I just want to give a big huge thank you to the volunteers that come to our school to help out each week. The kids get to participate in fun activities, extra art projects, small groups, and one on one extra practice of skills thanks to the volunteers that give their time. This last Friday we had three classrooms with volunteers in our B pod at the same time. We had a couple great dad's working on a clay project, another dad (my own personal dad) working on an art project (with lots of glitter) with first graders and a mom working on a cute snowman project as well. with the other first grade class. Earlier in the week we had a mom and helping sort math center materials, and a grandma volunteering to read with kids and work on math strategies. Thursday's we have awesome volunteers that help us get our weekly folders ready to send home for the week. All of us teachers at Forest Ridge are so thankful for each volunteer! You make our job easier and the kids benefit so much! 

Many Thanks,
Mrs. Weathers 

Snow way, an art project? Yep! Snowmen Time!

Soon our classroom will look like a winter wonderland! Of course most of the kids are excited about this... it means more art projects! Who knows, maybe we will get some snow this year? We can hope!